What We’ve Achieved Together

  • Helped to secure more than $41 million from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) for Conte Refuge and partner led land conservation projects throughout the Watershed.

  • Secured designation of the Connecticut River as the nation’s first and only National Blueway.

  • Drafted and advanced federal legislation to fund conservation and restoration activities in the Watershed: the Connecticut River Watershed Partnership Act (HR.5216/S.2660).

  • In partnership with Harvard Forest, mapped environmental justice communities and overlap with Conte priority focus areas in the Watershed.

  • Collaborated with the Conte Refuge to improve aquatic organism passage, restore critical wildlife habitat, control invasive species, and conduct research on trust species.

  • Launched the development of the Connecticut River Paddler’s Trail, a connected network of primitive campsites along the entire length of the Connecticut River.

  • Enhanced access to stateside LWCF grant funds through multistate webinars and cross-state collaboration.

  • Enhanced access to federal LWCF by facilitating partnerships between the Conte Refuge/US Fish and Wildlife Service and land trusts.

  • Worked with the Refuge to establish ‘Conte Corners’ in area museums.

  • Advocated for $100M in Long Island Sound funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.