What We’ve Achieved Together
Helped to secure more than $41 million from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) for Conte Refuge and partner led land conservation projects throughout the Watershed.
Secured designation of the Connecticut River as the nation’s first and only National Blueway.
Drafted and advanced federal legislation to fund conservation and restoration activities in the Watershed: the Connecticut River Watershed Partnership Act (HR.5216/S.2660).
In partnership with Harvard Forest, mapped environmental justice communities and overlap with Conte priority focus areas in the Watershed.
Collaborated with the Conte Refuge to improve aquatic organism passage, restore critical wildlife habitat, control invasive species, and conduct research on trust species.
Launched the development of the Connecticut River Paddler’s Trail, a connected network of primitive campsites along the entire length of the Connecticut River.
Enhanced access to stateside LWCF grant funds through multistate webinars and cross-state collaboration.
Enhanced access to federal LWCF by facilitating partnerships between the Conte Refuge/US Fish and Wildlife Service and land trusts.
Worked with the Refuge to establish ‘Conte Corners’ in area museums.
Advocated for $100M in Long Island Sound funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.