Fannie Stebbins Floodplain Protection and Restoration Project (MA)
Location of Fannie Stebbins Refuge
Project Description
The Fannie Stebbins Memorial Wildlife Refuge in Longmeadow, MA is comprised of approximately 370 acres of forest, shrub swamps, and herbaceous marshes. In 2017 protection of the land was achieved and restoration of 223 acres of rare floodplain forest began. The Fannie Stebbins Unit of the Conte Refuge is the largest unfragmented area of natural floodplain vegetation in the Connecticut River Watershed. Restoration efforts included replanting fields with floodplain tree species, control of invasive plants, and restoration of natural hydrology. The project represents a true public-private partnership with many project participants of all sizes and types.
Restoration area detail
Funding Sources
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Agricultural Easement Program (ACEP): Wetland Reserve Easement Program (WRE)
Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
Natural Resources Conservation Service
The Nature Conservancy
All Habitat Services
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company LLC
Fannie Stebbins Memorial Wildlife Refuge is located in Longmeadow, MA