Who We Are

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In 2005, a small group of committed partners formed the Friends of the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge or Friends of Conte (FOC). Since then, we have become a thriving network of more than 70 public and private organizations and individuals whose collective efforts forge mutually beneficial partnerships and strengthen the health of the Connecticut River Watershed and the communities that live in and are served by it.

Together we envision a future where:

  • Our waters, from source to sound, run clean and clear, and fish and wildlife thrive in our lands and waters.

  • People are drawn to live, work, and play in our iconic New England landscape.

  • As stewards, we value natural, working, and urban landscapes, which collectively protect our natural, cultural, recreational, and scenic heritage.

In 2024, recognizing the necessity of expanding to include more diverse interests and voices in our network, the Friends of Conte officially changed our name to the Connecticut River Watershed Partnership. With a new brand and operating structure we are currently identifying shared priorities to tackle as a ‘coalition of the willing’ that advance our shared vision of a healthy and vibrant watershed for all.

Current partners include organizations and agencies of all sizes and types, including regional planning commissions, state and federal agencies, land trusts, watershed associations, educational organizations, museums, and others working and living in the Connecticut River Watershed. Like similar partnerships, our structure employs a Steering Committee and Committee/Working Group model with an Executive Committee providing decision-making authority and a Director who is responsible for coordination.