Connecticut River Paddlers’ Trail Campsites and Maps (CT and MA)
King’s Island Tent Platforms
Pr0ject Description
This project had two components, development of two CT River Paddlers’ Trail campsites on Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation property (Montague and Whately, MA) and the creation of a GIS tool for mapping trail gaps and identifying potential campsite locations in Massachusetts down to Hartford, Connecticut. The Appalachian Mountain Club developed the campsites and The Trust for Public Land created the GIS mapping tool.
East Haddam, CT
Funding Sources
MA Recreation Trails Program: $45,749
Bafflin Foundation: $10,000
Lessons learned
The Recreational Trail Program is a reimbursable grant i.e. you must spend the money first and then submit paperwork to get reimbursed. As such it is important to have some additional funding/in-kind contributions to start the project. The grant requires a lot of paperwork and record keeping so make sure you document everything and you have copies of timecards, paystubs, invoices, etc.