Executive Committee

Chris Campany, Windham Regional Commission - Chair

Kristin DeBoer, Kestrel Land Trust

Jocelyn Forbush, Mass Audubon

David Houghton, WildLandscapes International

Jillian Liner, Audubon Vermont

Alisha Milardo, Connecticut Audubon Society

Lauren Oates, The Nature Conservancy (VT)

Rebecca Todd, Connecticut River Conservancy

Ex officio: Kyla Hastie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Northeast Region


Director - Markelle Smith, Mass Audubon

Steering Committee

The CRWP Steering Committee includes balanced representation from public and private sectors working in the Watershed. At minimum the Committee contains the following representatives plus one Alternate member:

ᐧNational NGO (2)

ᐧNew England Regional NGO (2)

ᐧStatewide NGO (2)

ᐧLocal NGO (2)

ᐧAll-volunteer/Community-based NGO (2)

ᐧTribal entity (2)

ᐧRegional planning commission (2)

ᐧState of Connecticut (2)

ᐧCommonwealth of Massachusetts (2)

ᐧState of New Hampshire (2)

ᐧState of Vermont (2)

ᐧUS Fish and Wildlife Service (1)

ᐧNatural Resources Conservation Service (1)

ᐧNational Park Service (1)

ᐧUS Forest Service (1)

ᐧNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1)